You’ve added more fruits and veggies to your diet. You’re eating regularly and eating clean foods, so why is the scale moving UP in the WRONG direction.
It’s possible that you’re making several mistakes when you sit down to eat. Below are some “mealtime mistakes” you may be making. • Your portion sizes may be too big: This is most likely the number one reason you’re not seeing big gains in weight loss. You may be eating the protein, carbs and vegetables you’re supposed to be eating, but you’re most likely eating too much of protein and carbs and not enough of the fruits and veggies. Ways to avoid large portions is in the beginning weigh your food. This will help you establish the correct portions you should be eating. • Your not eating healthy fats: So many of us avoid avocado and nuts because their worried about the calories. But the fact is these are healthy fats and they improve nutrient intake, reduce risk of metabolic syndrome and are full of nutrients your body needs. Determine the serving size appropriate for you and add to your diet. • Confusing hunger with thirst: Sometimes your body is just telling you it’s thirsty. It’s important to properly hydrate throughout the day, and think about drinking a glass of water 15-20 minutes before eating. • Not focusing while eating: Are you watching TV, on Facebook or Instagram? Having these types of distractions while you’re eating will only lead to overeating as your body is experiencing a disconnect between your mind and body. It will be easy to miss the signals that you are actually full. So be sure to engage in mindful eating. • Quit the Clean Plate Club: Your body actually knows when it’s full. This will take approximately 20 minutes. This is the perfect excuse to slow down and enjoy every bite of your meal. If you are still struggling with “Mealtime Mistakes” contact Natatia at Functional Performance Fitness for expert guidance on nutrition. Comments are closed.
Author BioNatatia Gemmell. |