Well guess what - you can slim down by adding a walking routine to your day. Simply adding steps to your day will help you obtain your weight loss goals. Your first step (pun intended) to success is being prepared. Keep your walking shoes in your car, at work and at home…then accumulate steps – this can be done while at work, take the stairs, walk the long way around to your co-workers office, schedule a walk at lunch. While doing errands, park in the furthest spot from the door, make an extra lap around the grocery store or mall. Even at home adding steps to your day is easy if you walk around the block after dinner, or simply march in place while watching your favorite TV show.
So, now you know how you can get your walking in, what does it actually do for you? Walking increases your aerobic health; this is good for the heart by lowering your blood pressure and decreasing heart disease. Because walking is a load-bearing exercise it also helps to maintain your bone density. We all know how important bone density is as we age. And because obesity can increase your risk for certain types of cancer, walking off the weight may reduce your risk. “Fast-paced walking, when combined with healthy eating, is hugely effective for weight loss,” Art Weltman, Ph.D., director of exercise physiology at the University of Virginia, told Health.com. Here are suggested ways to lose weight from walking:
“There really is no single drug that can do anything like what regular physical activity does and that’s why [walking] really is a wonder drug,” Dr. Thomas Frieden, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention Director said. “It makes you healthier and happier. Even if you don’t lose any weight, getting regular exercise will decrease your risk of getting sick, getting diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and many other conditions.” If you still feel that you’ll find it hard to commit to a walking routine, speak with Natatia about setting your weight loss goals and about a One On One Fitness Program that will fit your needs. Comments are closed.
Author BioNatatia Gemmell. |